[Înregistrarea evenimentului] Conferinţa mondială „Protecţia mediului prin dreptul penal” – 18-20 mai 2016, București

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[Înregistrarea evenimentului] Conferinţa mondială „Protecţia mediului prin dreptul penal” – 18-20 mai 2016, București 📅 18 - 20 mai 2016 București [Înregistrarea evenimentului] Conferinţa mondială „Protecţia mediului prin dreptul penal” – 18-20 mai 2016, București

Data 18 - 20 mai 2016
Locația Sala „Aula Magna” a Facultății de Drept, Universitatea București

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👍Vezi și: EDIȚIE SPECIALĂ „LEGAL POINT” – Protecția mediului prin dreptul penal

Asociația Internațională de Drept Penal (AIDP) în colaborare cu Institutul de Cercetări Juridice „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” al Academiei Române și Universitatea Ecologică București organizează, în data de 18-20 mai 2016, în Sala „Aula Magna” a Facultății de Drept, Universitatea București, conferința mondială „Protecția mediului prin dreptul penal” (The protection of the environment through criminal law).



9h30 – 10h30 Session 1 – Welcoming addresses
Prof. J. Vervaele, President, AIDP
Cristina Pașca-Palmer, Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forests
Acad. Cristian Hera, Vice-president of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Mircea Duțu, Director of the Institute for Legal Research of the Romanian Academy, President of the Ecological University of Bucharest

10h30 – 11h15 Session 2 – Key note speech
The situation of the environment and challenges of the legal system to provide protection – Professor Tudorel Toader, Rector of the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași, judge at the Constitutional Court of Romania

11h15 – 11h30 coffee break

11h30 – 12h30 Session 3 – Setting the scene
Limitations and challenges of the criminal justice system in addressing environmental crime – Prof. Michael Faure, Professor of Comparative International Environmental Law, Maastricht University

12h30 – 14h00 LUNCH BREAK

14h00 – 15h30 Session 4 – Assessing international norms, standards and control mechanisms
International environmental norms and standards: compliance and enforcement – Prof. Gert Vermeulen, University of Ghent
Environmental crime in the EU: Is there a need for further harmonisation or for new enforcement tools? – Prof. Mircea Duțu, The Romanian Academy

15h30 – 16h00 COFFEE BREAK

16h00 – 18h00 Parallel sessions

Forum of AIDP Criminal Justice Network – Prof. Michele Papa, University of Florence

Conferința națională „Prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor”. Impactul noii legi asupra profesiilor liberale

Can Laudato Si’ (Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical) inspire regulations to protect our Common Home? – Roberto Carlés

Young Penalist poster session



9h30 – 11h00 Session 5 – The interaction of various enforcement regimes in the fight against environmental crime
Smart enforcement strategies to counter environmental crime – Prof. Katalin Ligeti
US law enforcement perspective – Prof. David Uhlmann, University of Michigan
EU enforcement perspective – Grazia Maria Vagliasindi, University of Catania

11h00 – 11h30 COFFEE BREAK

11h30 – 12h30
Latin American law enforcement perspective – Ana Luiza de Sá
Asian enforcement perspective – Prof. Wang Xiumei, Beijing Normal University

12h30 – 14h00 LUNCH BREAK

14h00 – 15h30 Workshop on the role and liability of states and corporations
The role and liability of states and corporations for environmental crimes – the perspective of international law – Ilias Plakokefalos (Utrecht Law School), Utrecht University
Liability of legal persons for environment crimes in the EU – Prof. Zlata Djurdevic, University of Zagreb

15h30 – 16h00 COFFEE BREAK

16h00 – 17h30 Workshop on the protection of bio-diversity
Trafficking in wildlife – Dr. Daan van Uhm, Utrecht Law School
Corporate ‘crimes’ against the environment: a green criminological perspective – Dr. Damián Zaitch, Utrecht Law School
Illegal mining – Senior Lecturer Andrei Duțu, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences


9h30 – 11h00 Session 6 – Prosecuting environmental crime
Obstacles to prosecution of environmental crimes (the role of the expert witness and the use of special investigation techniques) – Prof. Lorena Bachmaier, Complutense University
Procedural safeguards and the interaction between administrative and penal enforcement – Prof. Michiel Luchtman, University of Utrecht
The role of NGOs – Dan Trifu, Eco-Civica Romania

11h00 – 11h30 COFFEE BREAK

11h30 – 12h30 Session 7 – International cooperation in the fight against environmental crime
Particular problems in international cooperation for the prosecution of environmental crimes – Prof. John Vervaele, University of Utrecht
Eurojust’s / Europol’s experience – Professor Gheorghe Popa, Rector of the Romanian Police Academy

12h30 – 14h00 LUNCH BREAK

14h00 – 16h00 Conclusion and adoption of recommendations
Prof. Jose Luis de la Cuesta


Pentru mai multe informații persoana de contact este prof. Andrei Duțu – e-mail: aidp2016bucharest@gmail.com.

Vă prezentăm, în continuare, preambulul în limba engleză al domnului prof. Mircea Duțu, președintele comisiei organizatorice:

Environmental criminality is becoming more and more important, both at a national and international level, and has already reached a fourth position amongst international illicit activities, after drug trafficking, counterfeiting, and human trafficking.

Its object constitute of both the human being and their living environment, and/or the environment itself, as a general support for all life. Stating and asserting an adequate and efficient criminal law response imply a significant creative effort, and also the integration of the particularities of the new field, in the context of criminal law.

Criminal protection of the environment finds itself in the midst a gradual effort, where criminal law stands as a final solution, adequate, proportional to the present interests, to the gravity of the damage or the guilt of the offenders; and such a reasoning involves a double conjoint movement: on the one hand, of adapting and harmonizing internal legal systems, and on the other hand, of internationalizing criminal protection of the environment, both resulting in criminal environmental law.

By taking into account, amongst its priority scientific concerns, environmental protection by means of criminal law, the AIDP -IACL continues its tradition, reacts to the new social major challenges, i.e. the environmental and ecological imperative, thus consolidating the future status of criminal law.

Held in Bucharest, Romania, between 18 and 20 May 2016, in collaboration with the Institute for Legal Research o f the Romanian Academy and the Ecological University of Bucharest, the World Conference: The Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law offers the possibility of a global debate on an issue of maximum importance and actuality.

With the participation of renowned specialists, representing the major legal schools and systems of the world, the reunion proposes the following thematic areas: The situation of the environment and challenges of the legal system to provide protection; Limitations and challenges of the criminal justice system in addressing environmental crime; International environmental norms and standards: compliance and enforcement; Environmental crime in the EU: Is there a need for further harmonisation or for new enforcement tools? Can Laudato Si’ (Pope Francis’ Environmental Encyclical) inspire regulations to protect our Common Home? The interaction of various enforcement regimes in the fight against environmental crime; The role and liability of states and corporation s for environmental crimes – the perspective of international law; Liability of legal persons for environment crimes in the EU; The protection of bio -diversity; Prosecuting environmental crime; Procedural safeguards and the interaction between administrative and penal enforcement; Particular problems in international cooperation for the prosecution of environmental crimes.

Sursa informației este anunțul publicat de Institutul de Cercetări Juridice „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” (www.icj.ro).

[Înregistrarea evenimentului] Conferința mondială „Protecția mediului prin dreptul penal” – 18-20 mai 2016, București was last modified: iulie 7th, 2016 by Universul Juridic


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